Saturday, April 12, 2003

April 12, 2003

Today was such a gorgeous day, and I'm so sure that there were so many other things I could have done with it. There was a park somewhere calling my name....or a beach or something. Instead, I stayed home. It's likely that I needed this weekend, this weekend of absolute nothingness. There has been too much "somethingness" going on all day, every day, lately. And to actually have the afternoon free to take a nap today was golden. So I can only hope that there will be other sunny days, soon, that I can get out into and experience full-on. Hopefully, not alone.

I am getting most tired of these pop-up blocks, these fat billboards that attack my screen every few minutes, sometimes one on top of the other. The other pop-ups are annoying, of course, and even with the stopper software I have, they keep coming. These center-of-the-screen squares, though....the devil. One that comes up repeatedly says, "From Skinny Person to Fat Person", usually quickly succeeded by a thinner rectangle that says, kindly, "Dear Insecure" at the top! Who writes this stuff? Why does it appear on my computer screen all day? Maybe this is the message from the universe to GO OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway, this is my blog experiment. My name is Laurie, and I write. This is another outlet for me, and, like most things in my life, I have no plan. We'll just see how it goes this spring.

And now, in spite of my nap, I am yawning again and have freedom to sleep in a quiet house. Therefore, that's what I'm going to do!